The future they say is female. Although this affirmation is debatable, we are inclined as an organization to believe and work toward its realization. Our determination stems from the rate of change and improvement experienced in the able hands of a remarkable leader Priscilla Asante. Her style and drive to keep women eternally empowered are most admirable. As a woman lead organization, Rosswood Company Limited has made it a matter of policy to engage women predominantly at various touchpoints of our operations. From sourcing raw materials through to production and distribution, women are given the favorable opportunity to showcase their talents and abilities of excellence.

This helps Rosswood Company Limited work intentionally towards poverty alleviation, zero hunger, and gender empowerment inter alia, as our sacred contribution towards attaining the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Leveling the playing field for women, especially rural women, would help more families migrate from a place of wanting to enough and finally into abundance. Various studies have confirmed the arduous task many women in rural and peri-urban communities have to undertake to fend for their families in the face of obvious violations of their fundamental human rights and privileges.

How we empower women – Sourcing raw materials from women corporative farmers in the Eastern, Brong, and Ahafo Regions while ensuring deliberate measures are adopted to guarantee that, hard-working women farmers earn as much as their male counterparts. The full complement of raw materials and place of production would be complied

– Our production process employs 90% women and youth as factory hands, supervisors, and managers.

– The sale and retail of our products are mostly done by resilient women who dare to do more for themselves (This doesn’t discount the sales made from supermarkets and malls).

– Through our CSR projects, women farmers are empowered to embrace modern technologies in their processes to increase yields among other things.

We may include other activities Rosswood Company Limited, allows women to tell their stories their own way to allow for maximum appreciation of their priceless contributions towards the socio-economic well-being of their families, communities, and the country.