The inception of the Rosswood dream was characterised by a mother’s drive to selflessly share a newly discovered health recipe with friends and family to mitigate what seemed to be a common placed health challenge among their children. Although unintended, this little art of kindness brought exceptional happiness to these mothers and directly affected the quantities of probiotic yoghurts churned out daily from Priscilla’s kitchen. Soon, many discovered the secret fun and exponential benefits of probiotic yoghurts, birthing our foremost product OneYogo; which is currently one of the highly sort after probiotic yoghurt product in the country.

Diversification and innovation are paramount to our founder, which resultant effect has moved OneYogo from a single flavored Yoghurt drink into an entire product line offering diverse flavors and variants for every taste bud. Rosswood has also introduced various snacks as part of the Rosswood Premium Snacks range of products to meet the budding needs of customers.

The feminine resilience to push until results are attained have been a major driving force for us. It has kept the company moving and winning amidst obvious entrepreneurial challenges engulfed in the operations of several set-ups within the West African Sub-region. Certainly, the challenges are enormous but with our determination channeled through innovation, consistency and good working ethics, we are propelled to remain steadfast towards our goal to be the foremost Ghanaian food processing brand.

The coming years would see the introduction of even more exciting and healthy snacking options for everyone within the family tree. With our active motherly instincts in place, total satisfaction of everyone is paramount. We would strive to meet every need and win every heart because all we do is ‘A family Affair’.

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